Hilde's Birth Announcement
Hilde Austin Perrin was born on July 25, 2001 at 1:50 AM. She weighed 8
lbs 15 oz and was 20.25 inches long. APGAR scores were 8 and 9 at
1 and 5 minutes. She's as cute as Maeve was, except her fingernails
are longer.
As with Maeve, Jill's doctor decided to induce Jill because of Jill's
gestational diabetes. One day after the due date, Jill showed up
at 7:30 AM to begin. The most activity during the day was caused
by Jill laughing, which made all sorts of noise on the external fetal heart
monitor. Jill got to walk around during labor this time.
It wasn't until after midnight that the dilation really started coming
along. At about 1:30 AM, Jill was examined again and the doctors
said it was time to push. "Paramedic Dan" got to spend his time on the
business end again. The doctor and the 2nd year resident let Daniel
share in the work during the delivery. After only 20 minutes of pushing,
Hilde was delivered. Even after the delivery, Daniel got to deliver
the placenta with the doctors just watching.
Later that afternoon, Maeve came to visit. The first thing she
wanted to do was to hold Hilde, and spent most of the time kissing Hilde.
Hilde was happy to nurse constantly, and Jill was feeling just fine by